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    What do you know about the production process of clothing? Do you know both the requirements and the steps of production?(1)

    2024-07-19 10:52:52

    What do you know about the clothes we wear every day? Do you know how to make a dress? Now let me tell you how many steps a garment is:

    custom service

    Clothing production process: cloth cutting printing embroidery sewing ironing inspection packaging

    (1) After the surface and auxiliary materials into the factory inspection fabrics into the factory to conduct the quantity inventory and appearance and internal quality inspection, meet the production requirements can be put into use. Before mass production, technical preparation should be carried out first, including the formulation of process sheet, sample and sample garment production. Samsample can enter the next production process after being confirmed by the customer. The fabrics are cut and sewn into semi-finished products. After some shuttle fabrics are made into semi-finished products, according to the special process requirements, they must be sorted and processed, such as garment washing, garment sand washing, twisting effect processing, etc., and finally, through the auxiliary process and finishing process, and then packaged and stored after passing the inspection.

    (2) the purpose and requirements of fabric inspection The quality of fabrics is an important part of controlling the quality of finished products. Through the inspection and determination of the fabric can effectively improve the quality rate of clothing. Fabric inspection includes both appearance quality and internal quality. The main appearance of the fabric is whether there is damage, stains, weaving defects, color difference and so on. The sand washing fabric should also pay attention to whether there are sand road, dead fold seal, crack and other sand washing defects. Cardefects affecting appearance should be marked with marks in the inspection and avoided when cutting. The inner quality of the fabric mainly includes shrinkage, color fastness and weight (m, ounce) three content. During the inspection sampling, representative samples of different varieties and different colors should be cut for testing to ensure the accuracy of the data. At the same time, the auxiliary materials entering the factory should also be inspected, such as the shrinkage rate of elastic belt, adhesion strength, the smoothness degree of zipper smoothness, etc. The auxiliary materials that do not meet the requirements will not be put into operation.

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    (3) Main contents of technical preparation Before mass production, the technical personnel shall first make the technical preparation before mass production. Technical preparation includes three contents: the process list, the formulation of sample plate and the production of sample clothes. Technical preparation is an important means to ensure the smooth mass production and the final product to meet customer requirements. Process sheet is a guiding document in garment processing. It puts forward detailed requirements on the specifications, sewing, ironing, packaging and so on, and makes clear the details of the collocation of garment auxiliary materials and the density of sewing tracks. All processes in the garment processing should be carried out strictly according to the requirements of the process sheet. Sample production requires accurate size and complete specifications. The contour lines of the relevant parts coincide accurately. The clothing number, part, specification, direction of silk locks and quality requirements should be marked on the sample, and the sample composite seal should be stamped on the relevant splicing place. After the completion of the process sheet and sample formulation, the production of small batch sample clothes can be carried out, and the discrepancy can be corrected in time according to the requirements of customers and the process, and the process difficulties can be solved, so that the mass flow operation can be conducted smoothly. The sample has become one of the important inspection bases after the customer.

    (4) cutting process requirements before cutting to draw according to the sample material drawing, "complete, reasonable, saving" is the basic principle of discharging materials. Main process requirements in the cutting process are as follows:

    (1) Clear the quantity at the towing time point, and pay attention to avoid the defects.

    (2) For different batches of dyed or sand washed fabrics should be cut in batches to prevent the color difference phenomenon on the same clothing. For the existence of color difference in a fabric to the color difference discharge.

    (3) When discharging materials, pay attention to whether the thread of the fabric and the direction of the silk strands of the garment meet the process requirements. For the velvet fabric (such as velvet, velvet, corduroy, etc.), the materials should not be discharged, otherwise the depth of the clothing color will be affected.

    (4) For the plaid fabric, we should pay attention to the alignment and positioning of the bars in each layer, so as to ensure the coherence and symmetry of the bars on the clothing.

    (5) Cutting requires accurate cutting, and straight and smooth lines. The pavement should not be too thick, and the upper and lower layers of the fabric are not overcut.

    (6) Cut the knife according to the sample mark.

    (7) Attention should be taken not to affect the appearance of the garment when using the cone hole marking. After cutting, the quantity and tablet inspection should be counted, and bundled according to the clothing specifications, with the ticket endorsement number, parts and specifications attached.