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Do you know what are the materials and categories of clothing materials?

2024-07-29 17:07:19

(1) What are the clothing materials available

 The so-called clothing materials include clothing fabrics, auxiliary materials and various packaging materials, that is, the sum of various raw materials for clothing processing.

 Textile fiber materials can usually be divided into two major categories- -natural fiber and chemical fiber. Natural fiber is directly derived from nature, and can be divided into plant fiber and animal fiber. Plant fiber, plant fiber is also called cellulose fiber, protein fiber, such as cotton fiber, wool fiber and silk fiber; chemical fiber and can be divided into artificial fiber and synthetic fiber, mainly from wood, sugarcane, milk, soybean, reed and other natural fiber; and synthetic fiber is made from coal, water, oil, air and other raw materials, such as polyester fiber, adhesive fiber, polyester, nylon.

The textile fabric of natural fiber has the characteristics of soft feel, moisture absorption and air permeability, but this fabric is not easy to store, if not easy to be moth or moldy; and the textile fabric of chemical fiber is not as good as natural fiber, moisture absorption and air permeability than natural fiber, but has the characteristics of good elasticity, high strength, mildew and moth.

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(2) Classification of clothing materials

 According to different raw materials, clothing can be divided into cotton, hemp, silk, wool and other types; according to different weaving methods, can be divided into knitted fabrics, woven fabrics, non-woven fabricscustom men jacket

 Knitting fabric is made of one or a group of yarn in the knitting machine, according to a certain law, and the coil string each other, with the characteristics of soft texture, moisture absorption, elasticity and elongation is good. Knitting clothing is comfortable, close-fitting, no sense of formality, can fully show the curve of the human body. Commonly used knitted fabrics are knitted flat cloth, hoodie fabric, dozen chicken cloth, silk cotton and so on. Among them, knitted flat cloth is usually used to make summer collar T-shirt; sweater fabric is usually divided into hair and not hair two, hair is warm, mostly used to make winter clothes; the chicken cloth is also known as Roman cloth, smooth appearance, certain elasticity, the quality is crisp, mostly used to make skirt and coat; silk cotton bright luster, good feel, and have certain air permeability and good moisture absorption, soft feel.
 The woven fabric is woven by the intersection of two groups of warp and longitude, which has the characteristics of washing resistance, wrinkle resistance, good air permeability, mainly flat, twill, satin, bamboo and so on.
 Nonwoven fabrics, also known as non-woven fabrics or non-woven fabrics, it is composed of directional or random fiber, belongs to a kind of environmental protection clothing material, with moisture-proof, breathable, flexible, light, non-combustion, easy decomposition, non-toxic, non-irritating, rich color, cheap price and other characteristics.

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