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    What do you know about the production process of clothing? Do you know all the requirements and steps of production?(2)

    What do you know about the production process of clothing? Do you know all the requirements and steps of production?(2)


    (5) Sewing sewing is the central process of garment processing. Sewing of garment can be divided into machine sewing and manual sewing according to the style and craft style. In the sewing process in the implementation of the flow operation. The application of adhesive lining in clothing processing is more common, its role is to simplify the sewing process, make the clothing quality uniform, prevent deformation and wrinkle, and play a certain role in the clothing modeling. Its types of non-woven fabrics, woven fabrics, knitwear as the base cloth, the use of adhesive lining should be selected according to the clothing fabric and parts, and to accurately grasp the time, temperature and pressure, so as to achieve better results.

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    What do you know about the production process of clothing? Do you know both the requirements and the steps of production?(1)

    What do you know about the production process of clothing? Do you know both the requirements and the steps of production?(1)


    What do you know about the clothes we wear every day? Do you know how to make a dress? Now let me tell you how many steps a garment is:

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